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American man claims he's the rightful King of England - and has taken an ad out to 'prove' it

Not everyone loves the Royal family .
Some people strongly argue they are a feudal relic and stale reminder of the antiquated 'born to rule' mentality.
However, whether you love them, loathe them or feel indifferently to them, it would probably be quite fun to be royal.
After all, the work hours are flexible and the money is good.

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One man in the US certainly seems to agree, and rather than finding an opportunity to marry into the Royal family, he's gone one better and is staking his claim to the throne.
A man who says he is Allan V. Evans from Colorado in the United States is claiming to be a descendant of a royal Welsh line from the 3rd Century.

He's even taken an ad out in The Times.

Thank you to David Mapstone for noticing this and tweeting about it.

Not only that, but Allan V. Evans "shall further pursue an injustice of history by claiming by right the Throne and Sovereign Crown of Great Britain at Westminster."

Here's the page from The Times.

 This is not the first time Allan V. Evans has made the news.
 As 13WMAZ reported, in 2012, a man of the same name from Colorado made an attempt to claim 400 acres of land in Twiggs county.

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Claiming that 35 homeowners lived on his land, he stated he had proof his ancestors had lived there, but, confusingly also claimed this evidence had been destroyed in a 191 courthouse fire.
We don't think Liz needs to be concerned quite yet.

Still, he's in good company...

