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Amazon to start delivering packages to the MOON after revealing 'lunar cargo delivery service'

After decades of neglect, the moon appears to be a hot property again.
Days after SpaceX boss Elon Musk announced he would be sending a couple of paying customers on a round-the-moon trip , Jeff Bezos makes his own announcement about our nearest satellite.
Bezos, as well as being boss of Amazon, runs Blue Origin - a private space company of his own.

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And according to the Washington Post (which he also owns) Mr. Bezos wants to set up a lunar delivery service to ship cargo up to the moon. A bit like Amazon Prime in space.

NASA needs to create “incentives to the private sector to demonstrate a commercial lunar cargo delivery service," explained Bezos in a confidential white paper obtained by the Post .
Bezos says he would ideally like such plans in place by 2020 and has a new Blue Origin vehicle in the pipeline that could carry 4,500kg of cargo up to the moon.

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The end result is that we could ship materials up to start, and maintain, a human colony on the moon.
“It is time for America to return to the Moon — this time to stay,” Bezos said in response to emailed questions from The Post.

“A permanently inhabited lunar settlement is a difficult and worthy objective. I sense a lot of people are excited about this.”
According to reports, both NASA and Donald Trump's presidential team have been given a copy of the white paper. If they both get on board, it could give Blue Origin a headstart on its main rival, SpaceX.

In fact, Bezos has already got his landing spot picked out. According to the paper, the technology billionaire says a spot near Shackleton Crater on the moon's south pole is an ideal parking spot for his space-based delivery service.

