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Woman forced herself to live in a TOILET for more than a year after being attacked in a doorway

A woman who was forced to live on the streets has revealed how she slept in a LOO for a year, after being attacked in a doorway.
Karren Wallis, from Southport, Merseyside, shared her shocking story will visiting the Houses of Parliament to share her experiences with a group of MPs and Lords last month.

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The 46-year-old spoke at the All Party Parliamentary Group for Ending Homelessness (APPGEH) inquiry session on how to prevent prison leavers from becoming homeless.
Karren said: “It was somewhere I felt safe and could have a wash.
Homelessness can happen to anyone. What is it they say? You’re only a couple of pay packets away from being on the streets."

Seven years since turning her life around the 46-year-old has since returned to the toilet, an experience she said was "unnerving" and "horrible."
Karen now has a home, a job and is married, after spending time homeless and in prison, reports the Liverpool Echo .

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But she says she is one of the lucky ones, and has slammed the lack of facilities and support available for the homeless in the area.

She said: “I’m poles apart from where I was. I couldn’t imagine being where I am now. I couldn’t imagine being a quarter of the way to where I am now.
“My life is brilliant now, but not everyone gets support.
“Southport needs better facilities, or a way of transferring homeless people to other places. These are human beings, real people, in desperate need of help.”

Karen no longer lives in Southport and now works for homeless charity Emmaus, who helped her to get off the streets.
A spokesperson for Emmaus said: “Often, the view people can have of someone who is homeless is of a person sleeping in a shop doorway or on park benches, but there are also huge numbers of people staying with friends or sofa-surfing.
“This is the side of homelessness we might not see, but it can have just as devastating an impact on the lives of the people going through it.”

