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SEO is what - a summary of search engine optimization

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, the Chinese translation for the "search engine optimization", "search engine optimization", "SEO optimization", "search engine optimization" and so on.

The purpose of SEO is to use a range of methods to "search engine" to understand your site content, and then make your site rankings appear in front of natural search results, and then get high traffic. The ultimate goal of SEO is to make the site ranked in the first page, the more the better the front rank.


 What is Search Engine Optimization / SEO - Video

If you have no concept of SEO, the following video, the basic concepts of SEO optimization, with a vivid and incisive approach presented, can help you understand the basic concepts of SEO.

Let's take a three-minute look at this video. (Note: the film to explain in English, if necessary, you can refer to the following translation I do.)

Source: searchengineland.com

What Is Search Engine Optimization / SEO?

Imagine that you are an administrator responsible for the management of books around the world. People rely on you to find the books they need. What do you want to do? You need a system. You need to know the contents of each book, and the relationship between each book and the book. So your system needs to receive a lot of information, and then meet customer inquiries. This is certainly not an easy task. Search engines like Google and Bing are like librarians on the web. Their systems collect all the web pages on the web to help users find what they want. Each search engine has its own secret recipe, called an algorithm, that turns all the data into useful search results.If you're running a website, search results are important. When you have a page with a high ranking, it will help more people find you. The key to a higher ranking is whether your site has the necessary "raw materials", in line with the search engine formulated "formula."This is the essence of the search engine.In fact, many of the main "raw materials" are what we know. First of all, the text is very important. The search engine includes all the text on the web. When a user searches for "repair shoes," the search engine can narrow down the search results to only those pages that are relevant to those keywords.Second, the title is important. Each page on the web has an official title. But you may never have seen it, because it is hidden in the code. The search engine attaches great importance to the title, because the title is often a summary of the contents of a page, just like a book's title.Third, the site and the link between the site (links) is very important. When a page links to another page, this is usually a recommendation to tell the reader to be connected to the page has good information. Therefore, the search engine will be optimistic about a web page to get a lot of links. But some people make or buy counterfeit links on the Web, connecting to their websites to try to trick the search engines. Usually, when a site has a lot of this link, then the search engine will be found.  


Their strategy is to give more weight to the links from trusted websites.Fourth, the text used in the link is also very important. If your page mentions "Amazon has a lot of books," and "books" is a link, then the search engine will determine that Amazon is the "book" related sites. In this way, when someone searches for "books", Amazon will have a good ranking.Finally, search engines value reputation. Websites that continuously update premium content and continue to get more links will be considered a good starting place for search.These are just basic things. The search engine "formula" at any time in the adjustment and change. Good SEO optimization is to make sure your site has a great "recipe" element that matches your search engine.

I hope you've had a brief understanding of search engine optimization after reading this video.

