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Men desperate for hair transplants putting themselves at risk at unlicensed clinics abroad

Desperate men in search of cheap hair transplants are putting themselves at risk by visiting unlicensed clinics abroad.
Experts are warning of cheap procedures being offered in Turkey and India, with men often requiring further surgery to repair the damage on return to the UK.

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Boasting 500 transplant clinics across the country, Turkey has become a popular choice for hair transplant procedures.
But with an 60% of clinics believed to be operating illegally, doctors are warning of the devastating effects visiting an unlicensed surgeon can have.
Dr Edward Ball, from TheMaitlandClinic.com , said: “Medical tourism isn’t anything new, but what I find so shocking is the number of poor transplants being carried out by reckless and unqualified surgeons.

“The results of a hair transplant stay with you for the rest of your life. When done well, this can give a huge boost to confidence and self-esteem.
“However, we have seen patients who are devastated by the unnatural looking results from their decision to accept a low cost offer overseas.”

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Lured in by cheap deals on surgery, patients are often given no aftercare or vital medication needed to aid the success of a hair transplant.
Dr Ball added: “If you are considering a hair transplant, my advice would always be to do your homework, research your surgeon and make sure you meet them face to face well in advance of the procedure.
“Ask to speak to any of their previous patient who have had the same procedure, and whether at home or abroad make sure you have a comprehensive aftercare plan.”

