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Huge Antarctic crack may create one of the biggest icebergs ever seen as rift continues to grow

A huge crack in the Antarctic continues to spread....and may create one of the biggest icebergs ever seen.
The rift in the Larsen C Ice Shelf has grown a further six miles since January 1.


Another 12 miles and it will create an iceberg one-quarter the size of Wales.
News of the lengthening crack in the 350yards thick floating ice shelf on the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula comes from the EU’s Sentinel-1 satellite system.
The fissure now extends for over 100 miles.

Scientists cannot estimate how long it will be before the 2,000 square miles block finally breaks free.
Data from the satellite is being monitored by researchers at Swansea and Aberystwyth universities, and the British Antarctic Survey.
Swansea’s Professor Adrian Luckman said: “The rift tip has just entered a new area of softer ice, which will slow its progress,.


“Although you might expect any extension to hasten the point of calving, it actually remains impossible to predict when it will break because the fracture process is so complex.”

The Larsen B Ice Shelf further to the north famously shattered in 2002.
In recent decades, a dozen major ice shelves have disintegrated, significantly retreated or lost substantial volume.”

Many of the icebergs produced in this region of the Antarctic get swept up in currents that eventually take them north towards the British overseas territory of South Georgia.
There, they can be caught in shallow waters to gradually wither away.

This ocean conveyor is the same one exploited by Ernest Shackleton to get his crew to safety when their ship, the Endurance, was crushed in thick sea-ice in the Weddell Sea in 1916.

