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Gary Lineker accuses 'shameful' Tory MPs of shutting out child refugees 'to gain a few votes'

Gary Lineker has accused "shameful" Tory MPs of defeating a bid to help stranded child refugees so they could "gain a few votes".
The ex-footballer and prominent refugee campaigner hit out after MPs voted down an amendment to find extra space for children fleeing war.
He tweeted: "Shameful. But I suppose if they feel it might gain them a few votes at the next election it's worth abandoning the helpless."
Celebrities including acting stars Toby Jones, Rhys Ifans and Juliet Stevenson had also backed today's failed bid.

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The vote was called after ministers quietly closed the so-called Dubs scheme, which moves unaccompanied child refugees from Europe to Britain, after accepting just 350.

 The total was barely a tenth of the 3,000 demanded by Labour peer Lord Dubs, who fled the Nazis to Britain as a child.

Ministers justified their decision by saying councils had no space left.
But Tory MP Heidi Allen said Lewisham Council had offered to house 23 children and been given just one - with Bristol, which offered 10, receiving zero.
She told MPs: "These small numbers do add up. Small gestures of individual generosity collectively make us leaders... I know there is further capacity out there."
She proposed an amendment to the Children and Social Work Bill that would force councils to assess and declare their spare capacity once a year.
A rebellion was brewing as Labour, the SNP and Lib Dems all backed her amendment - but in the end, just two other Tories voted for it. It was defeated by 20 votes.

Josephine Liebl, Oxfam's Humanitarian Policy Adviser, said: "The Government appears willing to decide the fates of child refugees based on guesswork instead of evidence."
Lily Caprani, Deputy Executive Director at Unicef UK, said: “Without legal schemes to relocate unaccompanied refugee children there’s an ongoing risk of children being pushed into the dangerous path of smugglers and traffickers.
"This crisis is not going away. This country must not turn away from doing its bit to help the most vulnerable."

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Mike Adamson, Chief Executive of the British Red Cross, added: "It is extremely disappointing that this opportunity to keep the Dubs scheme open has been rejected, meaning only 350 unaccompanied refugee children will be given a safe home in the UK under this route.

“Offering a legal route to the UK is nothing short of a lifeline to children who have arrived on Europe’s shores only to be left stranded and alone in camps which are cold and unsafe, having suffered so much already.
"The UK can and should do better than this."
Ms Stevenson told MPs before the vote: "Please vote with your hearts as well as your minds, these children are desperately in need of your support and help.
"If we don't help them they have only two choices, which is to be vulnerable to traffickers who we know are swarming all over Europe. Ten thousand children have already gone missing during the refugee crisis.
"Or they make these very dangerous journeys and many of them don't survive them. We know how many children have been lost over the course of the last two years and we really, really need to step up.

 He told MPs: "The Government has committed to publishing a safeguarding strategy for unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children by May 1, 2017, by virtue of the written ministerial statement that I laid on November 1 last year.

"As part of this we have been consulting with local authorities about their capacity and will set out plans to boost capacity for foster carers and supported lodgings in that strategy."
Downing Street said the Government had a record of which it was "justifiably proud'' when it came to supporting refugees and did not support the amendment.
"We don't think this is the right approach. We think it is right that we focus on protecting the children who are already in the UK. It is also about making sure we don't provide incentives for children to make these perilous journeys," a No 10 spokesman said.

