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The lives of 2.6m children with alcoholic parents are being put in danger because of Government failings, MPs warn

The failure to help children of hard-drinking parents is putting lives in danger, MPs will say on Wednesday.
The warning comes as a cross-party alliance launches its manifesto to help the 2.6million children being brought up by alcoholic parents.


The blueprint calls for a national strategy for children of alcoholics, action to curtail the promotion of booze, better funding and more education about the dangers of heavy drinking.
It also says the government should bring in a minimum price for alcohol and introduce a new legal obligation on councils and NHS to identify the scale of the problem in their area and report every year on what they are doing to help the children of hard-drinking parents.

The manifesto has been drawn up by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Children of Alcoholics led by Liam Byrne MP and is being backed by actor Geraldine James and the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

In an introduction Rt Rev Welby writes of the lonely experience of growing up with an alcoholic father.
“My experience, whether easier or more difficult than that of others, was fairly difficult. One of the things I missed most was the company of others who understood the issue,” he writes.
The manifesto says children brought up by an alcoholic are four times more likely to become alcoholics themselves, three times more likely to consider suicide and five times more likely to develop eating disorders.
“At the moment there is a patchwork of poorly-funded and disjointed support services at a local level that are failing to reach enough children of alcoholics.
“This cannot be allowed to continue - it endangers too many children.

“The Government should take responsibility for supporting children of alcoholics.
“Children of alcoholics are currently a forgotten part of the Government’s stance on alcohol. This means children of alcoholics should be properly recognised within existing alcohol policy and mental health services,” the report says.
Mr Byrne said: “This is a breakthrough moment. The Government has agreed a plan is needed – and today we put that plan on the table. It’s a hard hitting plan for real change that will make a world of difference for Britain’s 2.6 million innocent victims of drink.”


Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth MP, who recently spoke about his experiences of his late father’s drinking, added: “As shadow Health Secretary supporting children of alcoholics is a personal priority and crusade.

 “I pay tribute to Liam Byrne and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Children of Alcoholics for their ground breaking and inspirational work in producing this manifesto for children of alcoholics.

“The policy pledges in this manifesto must be taken seriously by health policy makers and will make a real difference in combatting this hidden stigma. We are sending a message to the 2.6 million children of alcoholics that they need not suffer in silence.”
Hilary Henriques, chief executive of the National Association of Children of Alcoholics, said: “In one short year Liam Byrne has put children of alcoholics at the top of the agenda. He’s achieved what he set out to do, to get everyone talking properly about alcoholism and the needs of children of alcoholics, who are more than extensions of their parent’s problems.

“We’ve been listening to these children for 26 years and know how important listening is and how much more important it is to be heard. Launching the Manifesto means that many more of the 2.6million children will be heard and know they are not alone.”

