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'I wish I could turn back the clock': Learner driver's guilt over crash that killed mum and daughter

A learner driver has spoken of her guilt at causing a crash that killed a mum and daughter.
Susan Gleeson, aged 21, was given a three-year suspended sentence and disqualified from driving for 15 years.
She admitted her dangerous driving caused the the deaths of Geraldine and Louise Clancy.
The pair drowned when their car ended up in a flooded dyke following a crash near their home in Cork, Ireland, on the morning of December 22, 2015.

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The women were aged 58 and 22 respectively, the Irish Mirror reports.
Mrs Clancy was dropping her daughter Louise to Fermoy to get the bus when the crash occurred.

Susan Gleeson failed to stop at a junction, careered onto the opposite side of the road and crashed in to the Clancys, causing their car to go into a flooded embankment.
Ms Gleeson was on a learner permit and was driving unaccompanied.
She was driving her father’s car at the time of the crash.
She had been driving for eight months and had had nine driving lessons. She was mainly a "weekend” driver.
Ms Gleeson told an inquest into the deaths in yesterday that the passing of mother and daughter would forever haunt her.
"I misjudged the junction," she said.
"I took the turn too wide and collided with the oncoming car. "

"The car went through the opening of a broken bank and turned over. It all happened in a split second.
"I heard screams from the car. I heard a man say that she (Louise) had squeezed his hand.
"Two paramedics came over to me and told me that Louise and Geraldine had died.
"I couldn’t breathe. I was hysterical. I feel so sorry for the Clancy family.
"I wish I could turn back the clock. I feel so guilty.”
The Clancy family were represented by solicitor Paddy McCarthy.
He put it to Ms Gleeson that unaccompanied drivers should have their cars impounded if detected by police.

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She readily agreed and said there was a chance that the crash might not have occurred if she was accompanied by a licensed driver.
She said she wasn’t speeding but she was driving too fast for the junction because her mind was on an upcoming appointment.
Ms Gleeson was not using her mobile phone at the time of the crash and alcohol or drugs were not a factor in the incident.
Mrs Clancy was an experienced driver with a thirty year unblemished record.
Meanwhile, Mrs Clancy’s husband, Noel, told the inquest of the horror of arriving at the crash scene by chance.
He recalled his slow realisation that the women trapped in the overturned car were his wife and daughter.
Noel Clancy was on his tractor when he spotted the crash.
A neighbour was onsite with a loader and efforts were underway to assist the women trapped in the car.
He told the inquest that the front of the car was completely in the water.
Two loaders lifted the car. Mr Clancy pulled a girl out of the car not realising it was his daughter.
Louise was “blue and purple” and her blonde hair was wet making it look dark. He also failed to recognise his wife.
Then he noticed that the car was owned by his wife Geraldine.
“The alarm went off in my brain," he said.
"She (Geraldine) was two or three colours of blue.
"I shouted ‘That’s my wife’ and the fireman pulled me across the road. I knew Louise was dead by her colour.
"I said ‘Come on Geraldine, you can do it.’ The doctor said ‘I am sorry they are both dead'."
Since the death of his daughter and wife, Mr Clancy has been successful in introducing a change in the law which makes owners of cars responsible in the event of a learning driver being involved in an accident in their vehicle.
The jury asked the coroner to recommend to the Minister for Transport that police have to right to impound vehicles were are found to be driven by an unaccompanied learner driver.

Coroner Dr Michael Kennedy described the case as being “a terrible tragedy.”
He said the “split second” accident had had devastating consequences.
He commended Mr Clancy for his efforts to make changes in relation to road traffic laws.

