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"Complicit" Britain should ban sale of antique ivory to help put an end to poaching, say campaigners

Britain has been urged to ban ivory trading to help stop Africa’s poaching crisis.
Campaigners believe the UK is being used as a cover for illegal trade, with shipments allegedly destined for Asia being routed via Britain.

Animal welfare experts say one elephant is illegally slaughtered every 25 minutes and new legislation to tighten controls would lead the way in creating a global ban and set a precedent for others to follow.

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A parliamentary debate on the UK’s ivory trade controls has been prompted by a public petition which received more than 100,000 signatures.
Around 20,000 African elephants killed by poachers each year.
 Supporters want a ban on the trade of antique ivory items as well as halt the sale of modern pieces.

Tanya Steele, chief executive of WWF-UK, said: “During the time that Parliament will debate the UK’s domestic ivory market, another six elephants could be killed by poachers.
“This is a matter of life and death. It is time for the Government to take all possible action to end the illegal global ivory trade.
“We urgently need the UK to take a stand for elephants, continue to demonstrate global leadership and implement a ban without delay.
“Such a commitment will send a strong message that the UK refuses to play any part in the illegal ivory trade.”
Widespread poaching of African elephants is driven by global demand for ivory, and the UK’s legal market is being used as a cover for illegal trade - with some shipments destined for Asia, wildlife charity WWF-UK said.

Authorities in China announced the country would introduce a ban on ivory trading, other than the auctions of “legitimately” sourced antiques, by the end of next month.
More than 70 per cent of the globe’s ivory is bought by China.
South Africa has seen a 8,900% increase in rhino poaching in since 2007 to fill the rise in demand from the Asian market.

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Campaigners said the move was a “game changer” and that it should put pressure on neighbouring Hong Kong and Britain to remove loopholes.
The US has introduced a near-total ban and pledged to do more to end the slaughter of the majestic animals.
Commercial international trade in the ivory of African elephants is prohibited under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites).

But African elephants have seen numbers tumble by more than 100,000 in the last decade as a result of a surge in poaching to supply the illegal global trade in ivory meeting demand in countries such as China, Thailand and Vietnam.
The UK Government is expected to publish a public consultation on the UK’s ivory trade controls in the coming months.
Maria Mossman, of Action for Elephants, said she hoped the debate in Parliament would push the Government closer to a full ivory ban.

“As one of Europe’s largest exporter of carved ivory to Asia, the UK is complicit in providing cover for the illegal trade, which in turn fuels poaching.
“The Government continues to permit the sale of ‘antique’ ivory, which sends the wrong message domestically and internationally.
“The UK government must do what it has been promising for seven years and bring an end once and for all to this shameful trade.”

