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Andrew Marr: 'I want to be able to run again after my miracle £10,000 injections'

Andrew Marr is already dreaming of running again – while still struggling to walk as he recovers from the stroke that nearly killed him.
His optimism is fuelled by the tiny improvements he has noticed since undergoing pioneering treatment in the US before Christmas, costing nearly £10,000.
Four years after his catastrophic stroke, he still suffers “foot drop” and needs a brace on his left foot to walk. After I see him stumbling at BBC HQ, he tells me: “I can’t really use my left leg or foot. It’s a rolling, drunken sailor’s lurch rather than a walk.”
However, it doesn’t stop him dragging his left foot for a slow mile-and-a-half walk from his North London home to the BBC HQ in Central London.

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And he is certain it will get easier soon. He says: “I got back a small amount of movement in my left fingers which I hadn’t had before, and a small but important movement in my left foot.
“It’s the first time my foot’s coming up a bit on the left hand side. I hope by the end of the year I’ll be able to walk without a brace. In the future, perhaps a little gentle running again. Possibly cycling. Maybe swimming. It’ll take a lot of time and effort.”

Marr went to Florida for an experimental course of Etanercept, an anti-inflammatory drug more commonly used to treat arthritis, costing £9,600 for two injections.
He says: “In a sense what else is money for? I’m fortunate I can afford to do it.”
But he adds: “It isn’t the miracle cure that people have been told about. There was no ‘pick up your bed and walk’ moment. But I see the benefits.”
Now he is campaigning for the treatment to be available here, and raising funds for stroke charities to help those less fortunate.

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He insists he is “lucky” to have had a stroke that hit his body, not his brain.
“I’d never have been able to come back to work if I couldn’t speak,” he says.
Viewers of his BBC1 Sunday morning politics show may not even notice his difficulties as he goes in for the kill.

But in January 2013 the Scot nearly proved wrong his grandfather, who said hard work never killed anyone, by collapsing after a strenuous session on his rowing machine.
He nearly died twice and his family were told that if he survived he’d be, in his own words, “a cabbage in a wheelchair”.
He praises the NHS ,but tells of gaps in after-care.
He says: “If you’re going to have a stroke, Britain is a very good place to have it.
“Alas when you leave hospital after a stroke, it’s not.

“What happens is the difference between going back to work and not working, being on benefits or not.”
Strokes hit 152,000 people a year in Britain. Marr, who talks about his stroke in a BBC documentary tonight, says: “I’m very resistant to being a poster boy for stroke recovery, but what my experience teaches me is: do the work, follow the physiotherapy and keeping up morale.

“You can get through this.”
  • Andrew Marr: My Brain and Me is on BBC2 on Tuesday at 9pm.

