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When is Blue Monday 2017? It's coming soon so here's what you need to know about the most depressing day of the year

There are two ways looking at January.
For the 'glass half-full' people out there, it's a time of fresh resolve, embarking on new endeavours and optimistic re-evaluation.

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For the rest of us, it's just layer upon layer of misery.
Our bodies feel the strain of December's booze and chocolate diet , tumbleweeds blow through our bank accounts and there's ages ago till it's light again in the mornings and our vitamin D levels can regenerate.
To add to these stale and disappointing layers is another - the most depressing day of the year.

And it's coming soon.

The previous month may be home to the day you're most likely to be dumped ( December 11 , in case you were wondering), but January contains the most depressing day of the year.

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Unsurprisingly, it's a Monday.
The official date for your diary is apparently Monday 16 January.
Book it off work, grab your duvet and hunker down with uplifting Disney classics and a tub of Ben & Jerry's.

So what is it?

Admittedly there's no strict science behind this discovery - although Blue Monday is acknowledged every year.

Instead, what we do have (according to the Metro ) is the word of life coach and happiness consultant, Cliff Arnall.

 Cliff has published a formula stating how factors such as the weather, debt, the amount of time elapsed since Christmas AND since we failed at our New Year's Resolutions as well a general feelings of low motivation are all contributors to feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

