Unemployment falls to 10-year low - but difference between Britain's best and worst-hit areas is stark
The UK's unemployment rate has fallen to a 10-year low of 4.8%.
The jobless total stands at 1.62 million after a reduction of 16,000 in August, September and October, official figures say.
The rate is not been lower since summer 2005, the Office for National Statistics said.
However, 31% of the 342,000 rise in the number of jobs since a year ago is made up of part time jobs - and there was a rise of 129,000 self-employed people.
Overall, part time jobs make up 27% of those in the statistics while 15% of those in work are self-employed.
Labour has previously warned unemployment statistics hide a rise in insecure and zero-hours work.
Today's figures also show huge regional differences, with the worst-hit North East almost twice as badly affected (6.5%) as the most comfortable South East (3.5%).
Scroll down for the full regional unemployment figures
London, the North West, Yorkshire and The Humber, the West Midlands and Scotland all also had a worse-than-average unemployment rate at more than 5%.
There was a slight fall of 6,000 in the number of people in work, to 31.7 million, although the figure for women reached a record high of almost 15 million.
The employment rate for women is now almost 70%, the best since records began in 1971, the ONS said.
There was an increase of 2,000 in the claimant count last month, to 809,000 - the highest figure since February 2015.
The Office for National Statistics also reported a rise of 76,000 in the number of people classed as economically inactive.
The total, which includes those on long-term sick leave, taking early retirement, looking after a relative or who have given up looking for work, is 8.9 million.
Average earnings increased by 2.5% in the year to October, up by 0.1% on the previous month.
Public sector employment has increased by 12,000 to 5.4 million, mainly due to new jobs in the NHS and education. The figure is 10,000 lower than a year ago, while local government employment has reached a record low of 2.1 million.
The number of workers in private firms has fallen by 17,000 to 26 million, but is still 352,000 higher than a year ago.
Other figures showed a 107,000 increase in part-time workers to a near record high of 8.56 million.
There has been a 10% fall in the numbers in part-time jobs wanting full-time work over the past year, to a total of 1.16 million.
But Professor Geraint Johnes, of the Work Foundation at Lancaster University, said: "The number of full-time self-employed workers fell by some 55,000 while those of part-time self-employed workers rose by 53,000.
"The nature of many jobs undertaken by self-employed workers is precarious, and it is not at this stage clear to what extent the shift towards part-time work is voluntary.
"To the extent that it is not, there may be clouds on the horizon.”
What is unemployment like in your area?
AREA / % unemployment Aug-Oct 2016North East 6.5
Northern Ireland 5.7
London 5.5
North West 5.3
Yorkshire and The Humber 5.3
West Midlands 5.3
Scotland 5.3
East Midlands 4.7
East 4.7
Wales 4.3
South West 3.7
South East 3.5
United Kingdom 4.8
Great Britain 4.8
England 4.8