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No safe haven for future of Brits abroad as Angela Merkel turns down request for rights of ex-pats

Angela Merkel has humiliated Theresa May by turning down her personal request to guarantee the future of Brits abroad.
On Monday the PM made it clear she wanted an “early agreement” to protect the rights of 1.2 million expats in return for a similar pledge for the 3.2 million EU migrants living in the UK.
But German Chancellor Mrs Merkel reportedly already snubbed Mrs May’s calls for a quick deal during a summit in Berlin earlier this month.

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It is understood she was “polite but firm” as she insisted there would be no negotiations on any aspect of Brexit until Mrs May triggers Article 50.
EU President Donald Tusk also stuck the boot in by blaming Britain for creating uncertainty among British expats and EU citizens here.

Angela Merkel has snubbed Theresa May
He was replying to a letter from 80 pro-Brexit Tory MPs, who told him the EU’s refusal to agree an early deal on migrant rights was creating “anxiety and uncertainty for UK and EU citizens living in one another’s territories”.
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In his withering response, Mr Tusk said: “It is a very interesting argument – the only problem being that it has nothing to do with reality. Would you not agree that the only source of anxiety and uncertainty is rather the decision on Brexit?”

His letter and Mrs Merkel’s approach lays bare the frustration among Europe’s leaders at Mrs May’s decision to delay starting the Brexit process until March 2017.

Merkel has snubbed calls for a quick deal
Downing Street did not deny Mrs May was snubbed by Mrs Merkel.
The PM’S spokesman said: “We have been very clear that we will guarantee the rights of European citizens in this country provided the rights of British citizens are similarly protected across the EU.
"We’ve been very clear that we would like to see an early agreement on that.”
The deadlock comes amid claims today that Britain may still have to keep letting in unskilled migrant workers even after leaving the EU. Pro-Brexit pressure group Migration Watch admitted firms might need time to adjust to a new visa system.

Donald Tusk has also stuck the boot in
Its report said: “It might be necessary to introduce a key workers scheme to help employers to adjust.
"It would have to be time-limited and tapered, to give employers the incentive to train up our existing work force.”
Meanwhile Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, claimed Britain rather than the EU would “first and foremost” feel the pain of Brexit.
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However, Paul Johnson, boss of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said he doubted the economic impact would be like the disastrous effect of the 2008 financial crash.
But he also warned there was no chance of departing the EU delivering the huge savings promised by the Vote Leave campaign.
He told the Commons Treasury Committee: “Leaving the European Union is not going to free up anything like £350million a week.”

