The man had to have blood drained from his genitals, it is reported (file picture) (Photo: Getty) A husband was rushed to hospital by his mum after accidentally 'strangling' his penis by putting his wedding ring on it 'for erotic reasons'. The 28-year-old, who has not been identified, reportedly had to have blood drained from his genitals after getting the small ring stuck. He admitted that he had put the object on his penis four hours earlier on the recommendation of friends, according to a medical journal. He said he had done so for 'erotic reasons'. The man was taken to hospital in South Africa in 'severe pain' by his concerned mother after his genitals swelled up and turned blue. The patient admitted that he had put the object on his penis four hours earlier on the recommendation of friends According to the South African Medical Journal (SAMJ), his penis was erect, discoloured and severely constricted with the wedding ring. He was immediately taken into surgery, where doctors tried a couple of methods to remove the ring - including the use of a surgical saw. However, they found there was 'limited space due to swelling', so they ended up puncturing the sedated patient's penis to drain it of blood. “Multiple puncture aspirations were applied with a 20ml syringe and a pink needle. The oedema subsided and the ring was successfully removed,” the SAMJ reports. Fortunately, the husband, from Limpop Province, experienced a full recovery after undergoing the procedure and being given antibiotics. He was discharged from Van Velden Hospital three days later, according to the journal. Further details surrounding the accident, including the date of it, remain unclear. It is reported that the man's wife gave birth by C-section two weeks before he put the wedding ring on his penis for 'erotic purposes'. The journal states the penile strangulation is a rare 'medical emergency', but that it 'occasionally occurs on a worldwide basis'. It adds that the condition is challenging to deal with because 'no proper guidelines exist for the treatment' of it.